每一次大型社会问题的爆发,都伴随着谣言四起,这一次新型冠状病毒也不例外。即使受过严格心理学训练的专业人员,一不小心也被误导,进而再误导了别人。这一次,笔者本着谨慎学习的态度,为了使大家学会辨别谣言,特此翻译了一篇社会心理学博士的文章。最关键的是,在互联网时代,教会大家Do not be Evil不作恶!
What Counts as a “Rumor”?
首先,以社会心理学家的方式来定义“谣言”的含义。Nicholas DiFonzo和Prashant Bordia描述了谣言的四种基本特征:
Let’s start by defining what we mean by a “rumor” in the same way social psychologists have. Nicholas DiFonzo and Prashant Bordia describe four basic qualities of rumors:
They are information statements. We’re not talking about the opinions that people share. Instead, rumors are meant to be informative.
They are in circulation. In other words, if you have your own personal conspiracy theory that the moon isn’t real, it’s not a rumor if you never tell anyone.
They are unverified. This is key. If I’m at a high school reunion, and I try to spread the news that Jeff and Tina just had a baby[1], that’s not a rumor if Jeff and Tina posted the baby’s picture to Facebook. Yes, it’s informative and in circulation, but since it’s been definitively verified as true, it’s not technically a rumor.
Finally, rumors are “instrumentally relevant.” They answer questions that people want answered because they feel important or significant. If there’s a rumor that your office is laying people off, that’s instrumentally relevant because that information impacts your life! Some have called rumor spreading a “group sensemaking activity” because they serve to help people understand an ambiguous situation.
*如果您对谣言与“八卦” [2]和“城市传说”有何不同感兴趣,请参阅前两个脚注!
*If you’re interested in how rumors are different from “gossip” [2] and “urban legends,”[3] see the previous two footnotes!
The Psychology of Why People Spread Rumors
If you’ve been paying attention, the primary function of a rumor is to make sense of something that’s already unclear. Rumors help explain a confusing element of the world. In the soda rumor I opened with, the tensions between groups of people are scary and confusing. “Why are bad things happening?”
This confusion opens the door to rumors, which people can hold>some idea about why the world is working in the way that it is.
1947年,戈登·艾尔波特(GordonAllport)和里奥·邮差(Leo Postman)出版了《谣言心理学》一书。尽管在那个时期,谣言是社会心理学中一个非常热门的话题,但是,更好地研究谣言变得越来越困难。但是,在过去的几年中,人们对谣言的心理重新产生了兴趣。这里是对该研究发现的简要回顾。
In 1947, Gordon Allport and Leo Postman published the book, The Psychology of Rumor. Although rumors were a pretty hot topic in social psychology around that time, it got more and more difficult to study rumors well. In the last several years, however, there’s been a renewed interest in the psychology of rumor. Here’s a quick review of what that research has found.
There are several reasons that the rumors spread by people as follows.
A. 人们在不确定的情况下散布谣言
People Spread Rumors When There’s Uncertainty
It’s when we don’t already have a firm grasp>researchers strategically withdrew a student from a grade school class without explanation. Not surprisingly, rumors started to fly as students tried to make sense of the situation.
B. 人们在感到焦虑时散布谣言
People Spread Rumors When They Feel Anxiety
Oftentimes uncertainty breeds anxiety—we like to have a clear sense of the world, and we get anxious when we feel uncertainty—and anxiety.
Another fascinating experiment made some students feel especially anxious about an upcoming interview. The students who were made to feel more anxious spread rumors more quickly than the less anxious students in the control group.
Research has also shown that “dread” rumors (i.e., rumors that something bad is going to happen) spread more than “wish” rumors (i.e., rumors that something good is going to happen). This is the case both for rumors spread.
C. 当信息很重要时,人们会散布谣言
People Spread Rumors When the Information is Important
As much as you might be dying to talk about the rumor you heard about the company you work for, I probably don’t care a ton. The reason is that it’s just not that relevant to me. I,>basic law of rumor” that they developed in 1947 was that spreading rumors depends>ambiguity of the situation and the importance of the rumor.
Across a whole bunch of studies, people are more likely to spread rumors when the information is more important to them.
D. 人们在相信信息时散布谣言
People Spread Rumors When They Believe the Information
Let’s face it—if you hear a rumor that you think is completely ridiculous, you probably won’t find yourself>It was the rumors that were more believable that ended up spreading the most.
E. 人们传播谣言有助于他们的自我形象
People Spread Rumors When it Helps Their Self-Image
Plenty of research has shown that people often want to feel good about themselves, but. Another way rumor spreading can boost self-esteem is when the rumor is about another group. Other research has shown that putting down other groups can boost people’s self-esteem. Lots of rumors, it turns out, are about a group’s “opposing” group. These have been called “wedge rumors” and serve to reinforce intergroup differences. Clearly, these can boost self-regard by elevating.
F. 人们在传播谣言帮助他们提高社会地位时
People Spread Rumors When it Helps Their Social Status
This might sound like reason #5, but there’s a subtle difference. Reason #5 was that people feel better about themselves when they help spread rumors. There’s a little more to it, though, which is that people can use rumors to strengthen their social ties. Want to be accepted by a group? Pass along some rumors about their rival group.
The evidence for this can be seen in studies where people tell different rumors depending>decreased or whether they’d pass along a rumor that the group’s ranking increased.
The results showed that it depended>part of that group, people were more likely to spread a positive rumor about them. If it was someone who was part of a rival group, then people were more likely to spread the negative rumor. The point is that people spread rumors strategically, to gain the respect of others.
[1] ↑Of course they did
[2]↑ Oh, hi. You’re interested enough to check out this particular footnote. Okay, when it comes to gossip, psychologists have noted that gossip is more like casual conversation about individual people. It’s mostly for amusement, reinforcing standards for “appropriate” behavior, or to exclude certain people from a group. Again, rumors by definition are unverified. Gossip could be totally verified, but it’s being spread for more social reasons—not in order to understand an important and confusing situation.
[3]↑ Whereas rumors are little isolated information statements, urban legends are more specifically stories, complete with settings and characters and plots. The end goal of an urban legend is to be a good story. A rumor is meant to lend understanding to an ambiguous situation.
本文作者Andy Luttrell, 社会心理学博士
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